Alpha Sport Pack 6 - 25 cm - DMM
AlphaSport Pack 6 25 cm -DMM. Very stable quickdraws ideal for projecting. Available in three lengths.

AlphaSport Pack 6 25 cms-DMM
Quickdraws with well-designed solid gate carabiners are well suited to the rigours of sport climbing. At the bolt end they are durable enough to cope with repeated falls and at the other end the forged bent gates that DMM use are shaped for easy, secure and efficient rope clipping. All part of inspiring total confidence in your kit, leaving you to concentrate on your performance and enjoy the climbing.
The distinctive Alpha Sport Quickdraw is DMM’s state of the art set-up for sport climbing. It combines the ‘drop-in’ clipping action of the Alpha Pro biner at the bolt with the smooth handling of the Alpha Clip. A tough nylon vari-width tape,